تفسير ابن كثر - سورة الفاتحة الآية 1 | تواصل | القرآن الكريم

مرحباً بك زائرنا الكريم .. لك حرية الإستفادة والنشر

The Most Beautiful Names belong to Allah

  • The Most Beautiful Names belong to Allah

    In this message I am trying to answer some of the many questions that exist in the minds of people; what is the meaning of invocation? What are the means of invocation? What are the innovations that have entered it؟

    Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof

    Publisher: A Dawah website Wathakker www.wathakker.net

    Source: http://www.islamhouse.com/p/383926


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تفسير ابن كثر - سورة الفاتحة الآية 1 | تواصل | القرآن الكريم

مرحباً بك زائرنا الكريم .. لك حرية الإستفادة والنشر

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