مرحباً بك زائرنا الكريم .. لك حرية الإستفادة والنشر
Sahih Muslim includes sayings, doings and approvals of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) narrated by his companions. It is considered the third most authentic book in Islam after the Quran and "Sahih al-Bukhari". It covers almost all aspects of life.
Author: Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj ibn Muslim al-Qushairi an-Naisabori
Translators: AbdulHamid Siddiqui
Publisher: http://www.islamspirit.com - Islam Spirit Website
مرحباً بك زائرنا الكريم .. لك حرية الإستفادة والنشر
The book begins with a discussion of the sacred nature of Makkah Al-Mukarramah, the boundaries of the Haram (Sanctuary) and its sanctity. Then it discusses the superiority of Makkah and narrates Ahadith to that effect. Then it mentions the names of Makkah and the significance of these names. This book also speaks of Ibrahim (Abraham) and Isma'il (Ishmael) (peace be upon them) and their connection to Makkah and its sanctity and development.
The treatise by Imam ibn Hanbal, the Imam of the Hanbali school of juristic reasoning, renowned for his steep knowledge, was written several hundred years ago to the inhabitants of a town where the Imam stayed for a period of time. It contains a full and clear description of the prayer and includes detailed observations of the mistakes, which Imam Ahmad observed during his time in that town. It was and remains an invaluable work for all Muslims. Detailing as it does many common errors made during prayers, some of which are serious enough to invalidate the act of worship.
Author: Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
The Muslims in general believe that the Qur'an has been preserved intact and pure by Allah Himself. But what is often forgotten by many is that this preservation necessarily includes the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (S), the practical example of the implementation of the Qur'an. Hadith is Sunnah in record. How the immense wealth of Hadith literature has been left to us by the Muhaddiths (scholars of Hadith) is an extremely wide, complex study. We publish this short treatise on "the science of Hadith" by the learned Suhaib Hasan with English readers in mind. It is part of our scheme to introduce various aspects of Islam to English readers. May Allah accept it as a good work.
Author: Suhaib Hasan AbdulGhaffar
Fatawa concerning looking at members of the same and opposite sex.
Author: The Memphis Dawah Team
Publisher: Memphis Dawah
Source: http://www.islamhouse.com/p/1279
The Needs Of Humanity In The Mission Of Prophet Muhammad: This is a research that was developed to answer the Westerners who presently asking what new aspects Prophet Muhammad -peace be upon him- offered to the world?
Author: Adel ibn Ali Al-Shiddy - AbdulRazaq Maash